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Bug Off Candle


With insect-repelling natural essential oils of Citronella and Lemongrass. Helps to neutralises lingering odours, and to boost energy levels.

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Citronella is well known for it’s ability to repel insects like mosquitos. In our Bug Off candle,  we’ve teamed it with Lemongrass- also reputed to be a great insect repellent. Together, they’ll help to repel insects like mossies, gnats, horseflies and no-see-ums, so you have a double-whammy to help make your Barbeque, picnic, or alfresco sundowner a critter-free zone.

Our Bug Off candles are made with the best quality natural ingredients. They’re handmade in our Cornish workshop, so care is given to producing each and every one. Our wax is specially formulated to give the scent a good “throw”-that is, it’ll disperse well and scent a large area. 

Burn time; minimum of 20 hours. As our candles are all made with natural soy wax, they burn cleanly, and slowly, with none of the nasty black sooting associated with cheaper paraffin wax candles. Never leave a burning candle unattended.

Essential Oils Used;

Citronella Essential Oil; The most well-known of the insect repelling essential oils, particularly for mosquitos. It also helps to promote relaxation, and is an effective odour neutralizer.

Lemongrass Essential Oil;  Widely used as an insect repellent, it also helps to relieve headaches and boost energy levels.