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Jasmine and Vanilla Bath Salts


Skin-softening salts with a deliciously heady, exotic scent.

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Add a  handful of these skin-softening salts to a warm bath, and their deliciously fragrant, relaxing aroma will immediately start to de-stress you. This has such a heady, exotic scent!

Our salts are based on a combination of sea salts- including a sprinkling from Cornish waters, and Epsom salts, which melt immediately into warm water for a skin-softening soak.

How To use;

Add a generous handful (or two) to a hot running bath, to enjoy the soothing scents and water-softening effects of our luxurious bath salts.


Key Ingredients;

Sea Salt; We use a combination of fine & coarse sea salts, which absorb all those lovely fragrance oils, and then release them as the salts melt into your bathwater.

Cornish- harvested sea salt; We add a sprinkling of sea salt from Cornish waters to every batch, so there’s a little bit of the Cornish seaside in tubful.

Epsom Salts; Reputed to help to relieve stress, soothe tired muscles and soften skin.

Jasmine Flowers; We’ve sprinkled a handful of real jasmine flowers into every jarful.

Jasmine and Vanilla Fragrance oils; We use quality, allergen-free oils.